Benny & Jolene

In 2012, I had the privilege of serving as the costume designer for Jamie Adams’ improvisation-led comedy feature film, “Benny and Jolene,” released in 2014. This marked Jamie Adams’ feature debut, starring Craig Roberts (“Submarine”) and Charlotte Ritchie (“Ghosts”) as an up-and-coming folk duo. The storyline follows 19-year-old Jolene as she struggles to persuade her writing partner, Benny, to embrace a more commercial direction. As industry figures intervene, Jolene finds herself overwhelmed and Benny marginalized, leading to a journey of self-discovery as they embark on a tour to a remote festival location.

Having collaborated with Jamie on various short films and pilots prior to this project, I assumed the role of costume designer for his inaugural feature film. Despite the constraints of a modest budget and crew, my responsibilities encompassed designing, sourcing, purchasing, and organizing costumes in preparation for filming. Additionally, I oversaw costume continuity and dressed each actor prior to shooting.

This film was truly an incredible experience to be a part of. Jamie’s unique improvisational approach meant that there was no traditional script, requiring quick thinking and problem-solving to address any costume-related challenges that arose during filming. The cast and crew were exceptional collaborators, and together, we transformed two motor homes into both filming sets and accommodations as we traversed Wales and England over two weeks, capturing scenes across multiple locations. The sense of camaraderie and dedication exhibited by everyone involved made this project immensely rewarding. It remains a source of pride for me, filled with cherished memories and a deep sense of joy.

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